BWT land is maintained for the benefit of everyone, including the very young, the elderly, and the nervous!
This request follows a survey taken in 2014 (attached below) described in our Access for All Special Report of March 2015.
BWT land, like any large public open space, and bounded by the busy A20, cannot possibly be dog proof.
Gaps in hedges and fences made by foxes and rabbits will always be a risk, so please watch out for your dog.
Please use plastic bags to pick up your dog's droppings and, if you cannot find a bin, take your bag home
But there are plenty of Maidstone Council "co-mingle" bins around our site where you can leave dog waste bags.
Bags dropped on the ground or hung on fences, are most unhygenic and unattractive for other visitors.
Happy walking! Some of our younger canine visitors even enjoy climbing fallen trees!