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2011; Community
Celebrating BWT's first Green Flag Award for an excellent community project
Holy Cross Palm Sunday procession in Church Meadow.
The procession returning to the Church
Over 100 children took part in the Easter Egg hunt
All ages searched for clues placed everywhere west of the Lilk stream
Red white and blue decorations to celebrate Royal Wedding Day
Dozens of families brought picnics to eat near the playground
In November 2011 hedge seedlings along Ashford Road were planted by 195 volunteers
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts all helped; ages ranged from six to ninety!
Teams were allotted places to plant in a ready prepared trench
Maidstone's Mayor, BWT Life President and Chairman in support.
The job was finished in record time; about one hour instead of two!
Three days later more volunteers planted seedlings to continue the hedge up Roundwell
The green line of rabbit-proof sleeves protects a carefully chosen mixed hedge.
Everyone agreed that BWT has helped Bearsted to be a closer community.